Community conservation is based on the principle that local populations are essential for the preservation of biodiversity, forests, and other natural ecosystems. For this reason, we promote socio-environmental participation, focusing on five main pillars: 1) governance, 2) community organization, 3) sustainable livelihoods, 4) human well-being, and 5) gender as a cross-cutting theme.
In governance, we focus on strengthening community rights, improving access to renewable natural resources, and supporting the territorial planning of community Management Units. Community organization efforts involve building consensus, enhancing local management capacities for development, and raising awareness about conserving biodiversity, forests, and the renewable natural resources that sustain their livelihoods.
For sustainable livelihoods, we support income generation through the management of non-timber products, sustainable forest practices, landscape restoration, agroforestry, small-scale livestock management, and beekeeping, among others. In terms of human well-being, we promote comprehensive and reproductive health, education, and community projects that provide social benefits.
We collaborate with rural local populations and indigenous peoples, ensuring that our conservation and social development policies comply with the best practices of social safeguards and international human rights standards. For more information, we invite you to visit the “Social Safeguards” section.
We embrace a collaborative approach, formalized through the signing of cooperation letters, agreements, and the implementation of Conservation Agreements. This strengthens inter-institutional relationships through strategic alliances among communities, donors, and governmental and non-governmental organizations.
We work with communities and community groups such as Uaxactún, Paso Caballos, San Miguel La Palotada, Pasadita, Cruce a La Colorada, Carmelita, Sociedad Civil Selva Maya del Norte, Asociación Forestal Integral San Andrés (AFISAP), and ASOSELVA MAYA, among others.