
Global overview and forecast for Mesoamerica and its Great Forests as they brace for the impacts of El Niño

Views: 201
(March 22, 2024)   -   If we consider historical patterns during El Niño years, particularly the effects observed in Mesoamerica during dry and fire seasons, we could anticipate consequences for this year similar to those experienced in previous critical moments. For example, in 1998, El Niño contributed to one of the most severe fire seasons, devastating large areas of the Maya Forest, affecting biodiversity and exposing communities to critical levels of smoke pollution.  


Capacity Building and Collaboration to Strengthen Governance and Conservation of the Maya Rainforest

Views: 208
Capacity Building and Collaboration to Strengthen Governance and Conservation of the Maya Rainforest
(February 19, 2024)   -   With the support provided by the United States Agency for International Development in Guatemala (USAID Guatemala) and the International Technical Assistance Program of the United States Department of the Interior (DOI ITAP), the Monitoring and Evaluation Center (CEMEC) of the National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP) and the technical team of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) trained approximately 48 park rangers and field technicians from several governmental and non-governmental organ...


Without our forests, we are nothing: The Maya Biosphere Reserve is reborn after years of invasions by illegal cattle ranchers

Views: 405
(December 12, 2023) "Once, this place was a thriving forest, with xate, guano, macaws, and an abundance of life. But regrettably, there were individuals who didn't consider the consequences of their actions and began to despoil it, transforming it into cattle pastures," laments Sabino Véliz Morales, as he endeavors to uproot invasive fern from an illegal pasture. "If we can't get rid of this stubborn grass – and it's not just a little, it's a lot – reforestation efforts wi...


The Jaguar in the biological corridor of the Forests of Mesoamerica. International Jaguar Day

Views: 425
(November 29, 2023) Text by WCS Mesoamerica and the Caribbean in collaboration with: Fabricio Santos - Kurt Duchez - Rony García-Anleu - Luis Guerra - Oscar Núñez Saravia - Claudia Novelo Alpuche / Camera trap images by WCS Guatemala, belize, nicaragua Jaguar populations in Mesoamerica face critical threats. The destruction of their natural habitat, driven by illegal cattle ranching and the trafficking of jaguar parts, endangers the survival of these majestic felines. The native cultures of Mesoamerica at...


Strengthening territorial governance in the heart of the Maya Biosphere Reserve

Views: 320
(October 30, 2023)   -   On July 6th of this year, a historic event took place for the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR), with the signing of the "Contract for the fulfillment of commitments derived from the cancellation of the Concession in the San Miguel Management Unit, and community collaboration for the restoration, ecological recovery and sustainable management of the San Miguel Management Unit".


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