Scarlet macaw

The Maya Biosphere Reserveis the last stronghold for scarlet macaws in Guatemala and contains the most important nesting area for the species in the country. During the last ten years we have worked in habitat protection, nesting success monitoring, habitat use evaluation, nesting sites distribution, artificial nests construction,environmental education in local communities and involving community members inconservation efforts. In addition recently we started the chicks’ veterinarian evaluation program, supplementary feeding and management of wild chicks during nesting season. With these interventions we have increased the number off ledglings per nest and our results indicate that we are being successful on the recovery of the population.


Evaluating Jaguar Densities with Camera Traps

Author(s): Noss, A., Polisar, J., Maffei, L. Garcia, R., Silver, S.
Year: 2013

Conviviendo con el Jaguar; guía para ganaderos

Author(s): Soto José, López Guillermo, Mérida Melvin, Raxon Wilfredo, Dubón Tomás, López José
Journal: Documento interno de WCS
Year: 2008

Evaluando densidades de jaguares con trampas camara

Author(s): Noss, A., Polisar, J., Maffei, L. Garcia, R., Silver, S.
Year: 2013

Abundancia y densidad de jaguares en el Parque Nacional Laguna del Tigre-Corredor Biológico Central

Author(s): Moreira-Ramírez, J., McNab, R., García-Anleu, R., Ponce-Santizo, G., Mérida, M., Méndez, V., Córdova, M., Ruano-Fajardo, G., Tut, K., Tut, K., Córdova, F., Muñoz, E., González, E., Cholom, J., Xol, A.
Year: 2009

Abundancia de jaguares y evaluación de presas asociadas al fototrampeo en las Concesiones Comunitarias del Bloque de Melchor de Mencos

Author(s): Moreira-Ramírez, J., García-Anleu, R., McNab, R., Ponce-Santizo, G., Mérida, M., Méndez, V., Ruano-Fajardo, G., Córdova, M., Córdova, F.
Year: 2009

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