Our central principle is the formation of national and local capacities, through the accompaniment of technicians, students and national experts, and the strengthening of the Guatemalan Civil Society.

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) began its activities in Guatemala in 1992 with the mission to conserve the Maya Biosphere Reserve, one of the most important natural areas in Mesoamerica for wildlife. Our main focus is to strengthen national and local capacities, supporting Guatemalan technicians, students and experts, and strengthening Civil Society in the country. In this context, WCS works under four interrelated axes for the conservation of the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR): 1) Biological research and monitoring; 2) Social development and sustainable management of natural resources in rural communities; 3) Protection and prevention of forest fires; and 4) Governance and cross-cutting issues, including sustainable financing of the MBR. Since 2017, we initiated the marine and coastal program, strengthening the capacities of CONAP, DIPESCA (Directorate of Fisheries and Aquaculture Regulations), INAB (National Forest Institute), NGOs and community groups on the Pacific coast on issues related to environmental protection and the establishment of marine-coastal protected areas, to contribute to the National Goals proposed in the National Biodiversity Strategy, National Maritime Policy and Nationally Determined Contributions. 

The results achieved so far are encouraging, but we recognize that the challenges are great and much remains to be done. We invite you to learn more about our initiatives and how you can collaborate with our mission to preserve the Maya Biosphere Reserve, a natural and cultural treasure of Mesoamerica.



Entries for December 2023

Sin los bosques, no somos nada. La Reserva de la Biosfera Maya renace después de años de invasiones por ganadería ilegal.

Views: 569
(December 12, 2023) "Anteriormente aquí era selva; había mucho xate, guano, guacamayas, había de todo. Pero desgraciadamente hay gente que no piensa y empezaron a botar todo y se volvió ganadería” explica Sabino Véliz Morales, mientras intenta arrancar un helecho invasor en un potrero ilegal “Si no logramos matar el pasto -que no es poquito, es bastante- la reforestación sería muy difícil”, comenta. Para él hay esperanza y pronostica que en unos años podría cosechar hasta pimienta. Foto izq...





